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I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. Click Preview to see my content. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.


This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

The EXOS Wealth Systems B-to-B site was awarded at the Summit International Awards and was recognized for the brand application on the overall Website branding.

RadonicRodgers Strategy+ completed an overall brand development project for the investment advisory platform which included a naming exercise “EXOS Wealth Systems”, marketing phrase development “The axis has shifted” and comprehensive visual branding of the new financial service venture. Out of this work flowed a number of implementations including the B-to-B Website branding, Visual Identity system, and various other brand collateral.

The core brand pillars and brand values statements developed by RadonicRodgers hinge on the key words: Revolutionary, Enlightening, Open.

EXOS Wealth Systems Website branding wins award

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