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Two RadonicRodgers’ publication creatives have won Gold and Bronze from the Trade Association Business Publications International (TABPI) Awards and a “Best Profile” at the Golf Journalists Association Awards (GJAA) respectively.
RadonicRodgers has a long history in award-winning publication design. This year was no different with the feature “Blonde Ambition” in Town Media’s GolfStyles magazine, winning Best Magazine Profile at the GJAA Awards, and Ontario College of Teachers’ Professionally Speaking also winning again at the TABPI Awards with Gold and Bronze awards for editorial and design.
Professionally Speaking, Managing Editor, Joyce Mason says, “RadonicRodgers goes the extra mile, delivering the best and on time!” And Manager of Communications, Philip Carter says, “Most of our recent wins have involved art direction. We appreciate RadonicRodgers great work.”
With career success in editorial design, RadonicRodgers principal and Creative services director, Ross Rodgers, explains, “Having spent a decade in publication design in the early years, I’m pleased to see us doing well 20 years later at annual magazine competitions. Our team of professionals are passionate about their craft, pouring their all into these winning designs.”
RadonicRodgers wins top honours at 2 publication awards