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Star Alliance member, Ethiopian Airlines Canada, retains Radonic+ as its Agency of Record & PR marketing partner. Services include managing PR, social media, events, trade & consumer media planning. An immediate impact was achieved, dramatically improving the airline’s digital communications effectiveness and presence, while significantly improving flight loads and flight frequency.

Dramatic & immediate improvement in results:

• Tripled positive press mentions from 24% to 74%, neutral press 26% • Decreased negative press by 80% from 8.6% to 1% • Increased earned media to over $1 million/yr • Leads direct competition media sentiment & social media engagement • Flight loads increased from 70% to 95% average in less than a year • Flight frequency up from 3 to 5 direct flights weekly (Toronto-Africa) • Doubled overall business in less than 3 years.

Public relations barrage turned things around:

• PR activity emphasized brand awareness, direct flights to Africa, service levels, new ultra-modern fleet, excellent safety record, largest airline in Africa, 71 years of service • Trade & media events: 5th Anniversary in Canada and 70th Anniversary • Overcame negative/unfounded market misperceptions, turnaround in only 1 year to overwhelming positive social engagement and dramatic increase in earned media • Established PR partnerships with organizations & personalities e.g. SickKids Hospital and celebrity chef, David Rocco • Set up all localized Social Media properties and community management such as the Facebook page. • Increased fan base from zero (0) to one of the largest regional Social Media properties: resounding positive engagement/feedback • Increased engagement on press, wire releases and media relations • Developed conversion point and localized micro-site with locally-specific content, i.e. contests, promotions and testimonials • Regular E-blast newsletter releases: “Connections Africa“.

News > Ethiopian Airlines partners with RadonicRodgers…

Tripled Ethiopian Airlines PR & Social Media effectiveness

Case Studies
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