I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. Click Preview to see my content. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.
The 4th Annual ONLINE REVEALED CANADA offered Canadian Travel and Tourism industry professionals energetic messages about online community and relevancy. The Travel e-marketing conference in iconic Niagara Falls, Ontario reached record attendance of over 300 Travel industry delegates, and is produced by award-winning Canadian marketers RadonicRodgers and A Couple of Chicks.

Ed Radonic, conference Co-Producer and Managing Partner of RadonicRodgers said, “This year’s conference broke new ground — the breadth of presenters and the topical range was remarkable — the speaker lineup combined successful Travel-industry marketers with key Web and Internet marketing specialists.”
Patricia Brusha, conference Co-Chair and COO of A Couple of Chicks said, “From Arlene Dickinson’s opening keynote to the closing presentation by David Pavelko of Google, the theme of this years ONLINE REVEALED was consistent and clear — consumers are looking for relevant, authentic information across all marketing mediums.”
A number of innovative initiatives were introduced at the Canadian online Travel & Tourism conference. For example, a fresh branding for ONLINE REVEALED’s Offline Magazine, was distributed at the conference featuring more content and e-marketing features.
Ross Rodgers, RadonicRodgers’ Principal said, “The additional value of the attendee support materials such as Offline Magazine, really sets this conference apart when combined with the ground-breaking up-to-minute case studies and Travel-focused topical panels.”
ONLINE REVEALED offered presentations and workshops by marketing leader Arlene Dickinson, CEO of Venture Communications Ltd. and dragon on hit CBC series Dragons’ Den as well as industry leaders from T4G, TripAdvisor, Travelzoo, Google, and Southwest Airlines.
ONLINE REVEALED: community & relevancy for Travel industry