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RadonicRodgers has stepped up its environmental leadership by taking positive steps to minimize the impact of its operations on the environment.

“Humanity has been handed stewardship of this planet, and it’s not too late to evaluate how we are doing” states Ross Rodgers, RadonicRodgers’ Principal. “That’s why RadonicRodgers has revamped its environmental policies and stepped up its efforts in minimizing its eco-footprint.”

With paper consumption as a top concern, RadonicRodgers began using FSC-certified Domtar EarthChoice® MicroPrint paper in 2003 which is endorsed by the Rainforest Alliance, World Wildlife Fund, Forest Ethics and the AIGA. All RadonicRodgers primary print suppliers have been carefully screened for FSC standards certification with the council.

Additional studio green practices include: individual blue boxes at all workstations for used paper; laserXerox, and ink cartridges are recycled; even the office coffee/espresso machine negates the need for paper filters by using air pressure to brew the ground beans.

Environmentally friendly practices have been scripted into the Employee Policy Manual to ensure stated green policies are understood. With their combined effort, the staff and management at RadonicRodgers are hoping to make a positive impact on the environment.

RadonicRodgers bolsters green initiatives

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