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RadonicRodgers has ranked 115th in the 19th PROFIT 100 in the the Next 100 of Canada’s fastest-growing companies.
Ranking Canada’s fastest-growing companies by five-year revenue growth, the PROFIT 100 profiles the country’s fastest growth companies. RadonicRodgers has achieved a 482% growth over the past five years. Published in the June issue of PROFIT and online at PROFITguide.com, the PROFIT 100 is Canada’s largest annual celebration of entrepreneurial achievement.
“Ranking is not of the largest or most profitable companies despite what the name of the magazine would suggest,” points out Edward Radonic, Managing Partner of RadonicRodgers. “RadonicRodgers’ net profit after taxes was only 2.8%, which further adds to the value we provide our clients, and demonstrates that we run a tight ship.”
Ian Portsmouth, editor of PROFIT: Your Guide to Business Success says, “PROFIT 100 companies are the new heroes of Canadian business, creating jobs at home and products used around the world. They’ve accomplished this by building great employee teams, exploiting export markets and rapidly responding to the customer’s fast-changing needs.”
Edward says, “We achieved the ranking of Canada’s 115th fastest growing company by placing our clients needs above our own. Our philosophy is to take care of our clients first — the rest will fall into place.”
By continuing to place emphasis on their award-winning marketing strategies, and value added services, the full service agency is hoping to continue to grow their business.
RadonicRodgers fast growing: PROFIT Magazine